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Teleport Issues

Partial Teleport

Partial Teleport

Here is an interesting issue. I confirmed that he has the badges on his Eth Wallet and only the Diamond is in his Pond0x account. I hope this one gets addressed.

I am not sure I have a solution for it. My suggestion is to make sure the badges that show up on this page match up with what you are expecting before clicking the send button.

X Connection Failures

Connecting to X is a part of the Check In process. I have heard some reports of people claiming to check in with X and then find that their account is not connected.

I am still digging into this one. It seems like there are a few variations of it.

E.g. teleportfailure

I personally experience this one. My manifest shows "hasTwitter": false but my PFP loads, checkin seems fully completed, and Pond0x is a connected app on X.

X Badge Not Showing Fixed

The conditional on the passport seems to be backwards. "hasTwitter": false makes it show up and "hasTwitter": false makes it hide. Either the payload is backwards or the UI is backwards.

Disconnecting X Cannot Reconnect

I am told that disconnecting the X account makes it so you cannot reconnect.