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No system is perfect, and this is no exception. It is a work in progress and has a few quirks. Most of them have reasons and most of them have solutions or workarounds.

The individual page issues can also be found within their respective pages. This page is an aggregate of them for easy access.

Please send me any unique issues you may have along with any details and/or solutions.

Swap Issues

Swap "Failures" Fixed

After each swap, it will often say "Swap Failed, transaction not confirmed." However, this appears to be a bug. The transactions do go through. You may have to wait a few seconds to see it update.

Insufficient Funds Swap Reward

It appears like some of the swap reward payouts do not go through because of insufficient funds. I would like to see these get re-sent later when the funds are available.



ETH Swap Not Working

I am getting several reports of ETH swaps not working. Some say MM wallet works and Phantom doesn't. I do not have the spare ETH for transaction fees to test this, but I believe it due to the large number of reports.

Bridge Page Inaccessible

The bridge page works and users still use it, but there is no link for it. If this is meant to be used, add a new link onto the homepage cards or remove the page entirely.

Teleport Issues

Partial Teleport

Partial Teleport

Here is an interesting issue. I confirmed that he has the badges on his Eth Wallet and only the Diamond is in his Pond0x account. I hope this one gets addressed.

I am not sure I have a solution for it. My suggestion is to make sure the badges that show up on this page match up with what you are expecting before clicking the send button.

X Connection Failures

Connecting to X is a part of the Check In process. I have heard some reports of people claiming to check in with X and then find that their account is not connected.

I am still digging into this one. It seems like there are a few variations of it.

E.g. teleportfailure

I personally experience this one. My manifest shows "hasTwitter": false but my PFP loads, checkin seems fully completed, and Pond0x is a connected app on X.

X Badge Not Showing Fixed

The conditional on the passport seems to be backwards. "hasTwitter": false makes it show up and "hasTwitter": false makes it hide. Either the payload is backwards or the UI is backwards.

Disconnecting X Cannot Reconnect

I am told that disconnecting the X account makes it so you cannot reconnect.

Checkin Issues

Not Receiving Test Transaction

The test transaction was used early on to verify the connections were working as intended. You should not need to complete this step in order to participate in the ecosystem.

However, it is certainly an issue because the test_hash is a requirement to teleport badges.

badge teleport checkin

Mine Issues

Not Receiving Claims

This is not an issue. Claims are currently in a queue and that queue is currently very slow or paused. It will continue and send out much quicker once launch/spawn occurs.

Note that there is no way to see the entire queue. Once the Node image is released and I have access to the queue data, I will make sure it is released as soon as possible.

Mining "Stuck" at 1.6M

Mining will sometimes start, show hash, show the cryptography animation, and appear to be working, but then stick at 1.5M forever. This was much more frequent early on, but does happen from time to time. I believe this is when the backend collecting these hashes is in maintenance mode.

Check the TL. People call this out very quickly and will also mention when it starts working again. You can also check Magick's visualization tool, but DYOR and click links very carefully.

Hopefully, there will eventually be a UI element to warn you about maintenance/downtime.

0 Boost Purchase

While mining, and maybe in other situations, you are able to purchase 0 boost despite it saying 0.01 minimum.

0 Boost

0 Boost Confirm

XHR and WSS Feed Differences

The mining data between the two feeds seems to be much different. This causes the mining screen to flash between 0 and # boost, different amounts of unclaimed, etc.

Rank Issues

Leaderboard Purchase Modal

When you click the Add button on one of the tokens on the Leaderboard tab, the modal cycles between




It will often not have an accurate value of the tokens available to burn.

/Spare Logo Disappearing Fixed

On the claiming spare Sol page, if you use Tab a few times, the logo disappears and clicking the empty space opens the wallet connect menu.

Data Issues

Did Not Receive Stand Badge Non-issue

I see many reports of folks signing the petition prior to the deadline but not receiving the Stand badge.

Users experiencing this issue have issues with their X connection. This will likely be resolved once the X issue is fixed.

I am still seeing this issue. Here is an example:

8u8ERxEzt8K37Dedsuy6mhVtEMhgXSWJBLVqtESZyR6r is hasTwitter:true and put the post in before the deadline.

PRO Not Displaying in UI

The way the PRO works seems odd. It counts up every day and expires above 30. It keeps counting up indefinitely. The lowest I have seen is 1, implying buying more than 30 days doesn't count. The highest I have seen is 100, implying you would need to buy 3 months (3*30) to get under 30 and into the <30 PRO status.

I am confident this all works properly within the engine, but it doesn't seem to work quite right on the frontend.